About Dr. James McInnis
Dr. James (Jim) McInnis, Lt. (N), MD, CCFP, is trained in family and emergency medicine. He has ten years of experience specializing in emergency and trauma medicine and 16 years as a family physician. In addition to being a physician, he is a full-time father of four children, an athlete, a lieutenant (N) in the Canadian Armed Forces, a Navy reservist, and a volunteer.
Born and raised in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, and the oldest of four children, he is a true sportsman. He grew up playing hockey, baseball, tennis, and golf. He played hockey and baseball at a competitive level. He played Junior A hockey, and the Boston Red Sox evaluated the young man for a baseball pitcher position. His love of sports extended to adulthood as he added weightlifting to his repertoire.
His dynamism and strong work ethic were formed at a very early age. He had a paper route from age ten and began his first full-time job at McDonald’s at 13.
His education is extensive. He completed his BBA in 1992 at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. After graduating, he took some time off and traveled throughout the United States.
1997, he received a BSc (Honors) in Biochemistry and Genetics from Dalhousie University. In 2002, he received his Epidemiology Certification from Dalhousie University after entering Dalhousie Medical School in 2000, graduating in 2004 with a Doctor of Medicine degree. He completed his internship at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, where he completed his postgraduate studies in emergency and family medicine.
In addition to his impressive education, he has received several licenses and certifications over the years: the MCC (Licensure of Medical Council of Canada), Commissioned Rank – Sub-Lieutenant – Royal Canadian Navy Service number – D66 403 377, CCFP (Canadian College of Family Physicians), and Promotion to Lieutenant (N) at the Royal Canadian Navy.

Dr. James McInnis

Dr. James McInnis with his son, a proud police officer, on Remembrance Day

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